Merino Dreaming
0403 370 787
Carmen Tyrer Art Website

Sculpture, Painting, Felt, Cold Porcelain and Eucalyptus Clay
Welcome to Merino Dreaming
This website will include all the different art disciplines I practice.
I am Carmen Tyrer, I live in Waroona which is located in Western Australia about 120 km South from Perth, the State’s Capital city.
Some information about myself or Who am I?or who is Carmen Tyrer? you chose!
I came to Australia in 1985 from Chile. I lived in NSW for 15 years and then moved to Western Australia in the year 2000.
I practiced dentistry until 2013. However, I was always involved creating a great variety of arts and crafts on my spare time which I exhibited over the years in NSW and WA.
Once retired, I dedicated myself full time to do what I love, knitting, wool spinning, wool dyeing, felting, clay sculpture, fashion sewing, mixed media, pastels painting, acrylic and oils, I created a paste that allowed me to do paintings that can be placed in the outdoors without protection from glass, and, that can be washed when soiled.
Cold Porcelain Clay Flowers has been something I started when I arrived in Australia and still forms part of my working schedule and I would like this website to be a special place where I can connect to the CP Clay practicing people all over the world.
One of my main interests after I came to WA has been felting with ultrafine merino wool.
The process of felting with ultrafine merino wool was a two-year affair of trials and errors until I managed to achieve the attachment of these fibres to a substrate of fabric or thicker wool.
The thickness of these fibres is only from 13 to 16 micron, which makes it almost impossible to get the fibres to connect to each other.
I don’t want this website to be a display of what I have done but a place where I can show what I do.
Soon will be displaying photos of all my works.
Hope to be able to share and exchange knowledge and techniques and provide myself with just one place where I can manage everything I do.
Contact me
Merino Dreaming
0403 370 787
6 Logue Street, Waroona